Category: Interviews


Merve Ertufan | Riddles, Deaths and Detours

Merve Ertufan occupies gaps in the mind and turns questionable sides of the self into new topics of inquiry by manifesting riddles, paradoxes and repetitions. She “mesmerizes” the viewers, so…

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Daniele Sigalot | Brand New Repetition

Daniele Sigalot centers repetition at the core of his works. The artist departs from the impossibility of identical production in artistic production and in the line of crafting and gets…

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Fırat Engin | How Long Can We Carry This Load?

Fırat Engin meets the audience through his interdisciplinary methods by underlining the issues of consumption society, globalization, market and politics of the culture and criticism of the socio-political order. Engin…

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Horasan | Bum Spider

Horasan’s exhibition titled ‘Bum Spider’ will meet the art-lovers of Ankara at Gallery Siyah Beyaz between 06.04 – 08.05.2018. The artist interprets the human body and nature in his distinctive…

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Sinan Logie | Samples of Topographies

Academician, architect, artist Sinan Logie, will meet the art lovers of Ankara for the first time with his ‘Samples of Topographies’ exhibition in Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery. Logie who pursues…

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Murathan Özbek | Black and White

Murathan Özbek , ‘Black and White’, 2017, Siyah Beyaz Gallery Murathan Özbek who generally deals with time, past, absence, loneliness and subconscious, will take a journey towards the inner world...
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Mike Berg | What Is the Meaningless of This?

The latest productions of the artist Mike Berg meet the art lovers of Ankara with the exhibition titled “What is the Meaningless of This?”. American artist’s abstract compositions mesh with…

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Ali Kotan | Slathered Silence

Ali Kotan greets us with an exhibition called ‘Slathered Silence’ in which he brings forward the country’s silenced freedom and dreams in political, sociological fields and reflects this silence into…

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